{New Post} Myths of Groundhogs and Economics

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{New Post} Myths of Groundhogs and Economics

Happy Groundhog Day.


This is a traditional holiday celebrated each year on February 2nd. Groundhog day was used to forecast the winter weather. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, then spring will come early; if it is sunny, the groundhog will supposedly see its shadow and retreat back into its burrow, and the winter weather will persist for six more weeks. This fun tradition does not accurately predict the weather, but fun, all the same.

Economic forecasting is also a highly-imperfect exercise. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (stock market) has dropped significantly the past few weeks. Based on other recent economic data, we do not believe either the global or U.S. economies will fall into recession. There are many recession indicators available. All these indicators have varying degrees of historical reliability. The bulk of these indicators indicate less than a 50% chance of a U.S. recession. Globally, in 2016, we will see continued growth in Europe and only a modest deceleration in China, while other indicators are at levels associated with a low probability of global recession.

Dow Jones

Our customers, all of them manufacturers, are on the leading edge of any change in our economy. Most of our customers are preparing for growth rather than recession in 2016. Kinetic Die Casting Company is preparing and we are taking steps to handle the growth we expect to see in 2016.

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Myths of Groundhog shadows and Economic Indicators

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