What is Probate to an estate owner

What is Probate to an estate owner?
Probate is the legal transfer of your properties from your name to your heirs’. This is important for you to be aware of in order to have your affairs in order before your passing.

Dealing with death is not an ideal situation for the surviving relatives members, which is why it is important to make the necessary arrangements to facilitate the transfer of your estate to your relatives.

What is Probate to the surviving relatives members?
This technique actually proves to be disadvantageous to your relatives because it causes delay in transfer and it also happens to be costly.

What is Probate to lawyers?
As a general notion, lawyers love probates because they get to charge a lot more in billing hours. In some States, the lawyers handling the probate of your estate are entitled to as much as 8% of the total amount of assets. This is certainly not a lovely prospect for your surviving relatives members.

In order to have a better and faster transfer of your properties to your heirs, make sure that you explore any and all options that will prove to be more favorable on their part. What is Probate?- Learn About it Today

Mortensen Law
Tax, Trust & Estate Attorneys, P.C.

24300 Town Center Drive, Suite 390
Valencia, CA 91355
(661) 799-8035
(661) 799-8838 fax

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One Response to What is Probate to an estate owner

  1. Gomes says:

    Good thought.There can be number of legal complexities on the decedent’s property taking into consideration.Hence the surrogate courts inspect validity of testator’s will, infers the instructions of the dead person’s assets, select the executor or personal lawyer and finally decides on the benefits of the heirs and other claimants.For jointly held rights of survivors in terms of insurance policy or bank account probate cases can go to maximum complexities limit. Only a Lawyer would suggest the best action for you. Now you know what to do when someone dies and thus can plan your schedule.

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