SEM Links

The mass of the population, me included, do not have the time to sit and read old, boring information. As far as link popularity is concerned, why would someone want to devalue their own site by linking to sites that have related content? Makes no point at all. Ever noticed that the most populated sites on the Net are those that genuinely have interesting and original information that people find enticing. Isn’t that what the gurus mean by “content is king”?

I believe that this “cloned information tendency” that is distribution the Net, like a virus on steroids, is due to a lack of creativity and imagination. The effort of tapping into ones own resources and making out ones own opinion of the industry seems intimidating to many people. I don’t blame people for rather clutch onto the already said like fleas on a dog’s coat during the summer months. Fear of the unknown is a risk that very few people wish to take.

I receive a lot of newsletters and RSS feeds from many sources. Of the over seventeen hours of reading I do per week, half has been wasted on reading recurring jumble. Ok, so maybe the wording and style of the jumble is a little different, but the nuts and crux of what’s being said still is the same. Being the busy person that I am, I don’t have time or the inclination to read “old news”.

So why am I going on like an anal granny in hunt of some estrogens? I suppose that I’m just a diehard fan of unique content. I like to have a smile in my mind when I finish reading something, either because I’ve just read something really interesting, or because I can communicate to what the author is saying.

Just because I want to gain knowledge of and stay knowledgeable on the industry does not mean that I want to be bored either. Nothing gets my natural endorphins running more than entertaining content. The mixture is undeniably a recipe for readership. Readerships means link popularity, and that my dear friends is the only antidote for serious back pain.

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