Potential Employees 3

Problem solver
People are hired to solve problems regardless of what is written in a job description. The more problems a person is capable of solving, the more valuable they become to the company. By the way, the problem is not increasing the size of your paycheck. It is increasing the profits, cash flow and assets of the company.

No one at this company is interested in people coming to work with an attitude. “You owe me” will get you nowhere. Part of our hiring process includes doing a comprehensive background check to see what your work life attitude is.

Being a self-starter is critical. Individuals need to be able to have initiative to take on an assignment or project and finish it. Interviews include in-depth questions to verify your level and ability to take charge and move projects and assignments along. If interviewed, you’ll be asked about when you took the initiative at prior places of employment.

Work ethic
In a recently published survey on the American workforce, only 26 percent of the people employed are “actively engaged.” This is defined as being loyal and productive. During our interviews we ask about levels of engagement at work.

Business understanding
Our employees understand the business that the company is in.

Our employees are not in the business of collecting a paycheck! Our employees are in the business of making the company successful, which means they will continue to get paychecks, opportunities for advancement and bonuses. Be prepared to be asked about our business. That will likely be the first question anyone asks you if you are interviewed.

Lifelong learning
This company believes that every employee must continue to learn throughout their career. We offer in-house classes and send employees to outside workshops to keep our competitive advantage strong. Not everyone believes what we believe: Our employees truly are our greatest asset and we must keep investing in every one of them.

Thank you for your interest in our company and we wish you the very best in your career.

– The employees

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