Job Hunting Basics — Difference Between Resume, Curriculum Vitae, and Bio Data

Job Hunting Basics — Difference Between Resume, Curriculum Vitae, and Bio Data
When looking for work, a prospective employee always stumbles upon in job advertisements the basic requirements Resume, Curriculum Vitae, and Bio Data. These three are not the same; therefore, applicants must know what the differences between them are. This type of resume is usually required for blue collar jobs.
The Bio Data is the most basic of the three. It is the biographical data of an applicant. The focus in this is the personal details of the applicant. Basic elements of a bio data include date of birth, sex, nationality, residence, and the likes. After personal information is the applicant’s educational background, however, little importance and emphasis is given to non-personal information.
Resume on the other hand is tailored for the position or job applying for. It does not list all the personal details but only the essential information needed for the job, so it is very brief, mostly just one to two pages long. The information that should always be seen in a resume includes: brief personal profile, education, qualifications, and previous employment or experience. This is generally required for white collared jobs.
Lastly, curriculum vitae, or CV is different from the other two because it is very detailed and thorough. It does not give emphasis on relevancy to the job but rather the general talent of the applicant. A C.V. lists personal profile, all the job experiences and positions held, and education of the applicant. This medium is usually submitted by fresh graduates, or those who are planning to change career path.

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